As COVID-19 case numbers continue to dwindle, life returns to a state of normalcy. Likewise, RHHS has returned to its original nine-period schedule, leaving behind the block schedule that many have become accustomed to. 

Students have varying opinions on the new nine-period schedule. Some students like the block schedule where classes were split in half, as it gave them more time with their lessons and teachers. Students felt that they had more time to complete assignments. 

“The old one, it gave you more time for everything. So, workwise that was good,” junior Tanisha Varkala said. She said she likes having additional time to digest lectures and complete homework.

However, while the old schedule did have many benefits, so does the new one. Somes students said they prefer the new nine-period schedule, as it allows them to be more attentive during classes and pay more attention to the material being taught. 

“I like how the classes feel shorter… It’s easier to pay attention for 45 minutes than two hours,” said freshman Ryan O’Connell. 

For some students, this transition was easy, and for some, it was a challenge. The block schedule was implemented soon after the pandemic struck. For juniors and seniors who have lived with the block schedule for the past two years, this was a difficult adjustment. It took a while for them to transition to their new schedules, however, after they did, most reviews were positive. 

Teachers also find the nine-period schedule to be advantageous. Matthew DeBacco, a biology teacher, said that he would pick the current schedule over the old one any day.

“If you study something three hours consistently — a straight three hours — versus x amount of time every 20 minutes; the smaller durations of time but more frequent interactions with the material increase long term memory,” DeBacco said.

He said he believes that the 41 minutes everyday helps students retain more information than two hours every other day. The nine-period schedule is beneficial for both the teachers and students.

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