“Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ….”

-The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America

“The vigilant protection of constitutional freedoms is nowhere more vital than in the community of American schools.”

-Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District


As preservers of democracy, our schools shall protect, encourage and enhance free speech and the exchange of ideas as a means of protecting our American way of life.

Freedom of expression and press freedom are fundamental values in a democratic society. The mission of any institution committed to preparing productive citizens must include teaching students these values, both by lesson and by example.

As determined by the courts, student exercise of freedom of expression and press freedom is protected by both state and federal law, especially by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Accordingly, school officials are responsible for encouraging and ensuring freedom of expression and press freedom for all students.

Mission and Journalistic Principles

The Broadside is the official student-produced medium of news, information, and opinion produced and published by Rocky Hill High School students. With this in mind, the student editors of The Broadside will work to ensure that the publication reflects an understanding of journalistic integrity and responsibility. News will be reported accurately and all staff members will strive to meet professional journalism standards. Accordingly, the following guidelines relate only to establishing grounds for disciplinary actions subsequent to publication.

Statement on Forum Status and Prior Review

The Broadside, the official, student news medium of Rocky Hill High School has been established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues of concern to its audience. Among the primary concerns of its student editors are informing, educating, and entertaining their readers. The Broadside provides a full opportunity for students to inquire, question and exchange ideas. Content should reflect all areas of student interest, including topics about which there may be dissent or controversy. With this in mind, the Broadside student editors have the right to determine the content of The Broadside.

The Broadside will not be reviewed or restrained by school officials prior to publication or distribution. Because school officials do not engage in prior review and the content of The Broadside is determined by and reflects only the views of the student editors and not school officials or the school itself, its student editors assume complete legal and financial liability for the content of the publication.

The Broadside adviser may — and should — coach and discuss content during the writing process, as well as provide sound instruction in journalistic practices and ethics for student editorials. In addition, the Broadside adviser may — and should — educate about and advocate for press freedoms and responsibilities among staff, administrators and parents.

Electronic media (including online, broadcast and podcast media) produced by The Broadside staff are entitled to the same protections — and subjected to the same freedoms and responsibilities — as media produced for print publication.

Freedom of the Press

The Broadside and its staff are protected by the principles of the First Amendment and other protections afforded by the Constitution and the various laws and court decisions implementing those principles.

Definitions and examples for the above instances of unprotected speech can be found in Law of the Student Press published by the Student Press Law Center.

 It is essential to preserve the freedom of the press in order to preserve a free society.

The media will serve the best interest of the students and faculty of the Broadside Newspaper, keeping itself free from any commercial obligations distracting from this purpose; this is defined by the media itself.The Broadside will not publish any material determined by student editors to be unprotected, that is, material that is libelous, obscene, materially disruptive of the school process, an unwarranted invasion of privacy, a violation of copyright or a promotion of products or services unlawful (illegal) as to minors as defined by state or federal law.All media will vigorously resist all attempts at censorship, particularly pre-publication censorship. All media retain the right to publish any and all material obtained through an interview by a staff member of the publications staff, holding that the interviewee was made aware that the information could be published in any form at any time. All student media referenced in this editorial policy are designated public forums.Student journalists may use print and electronic media to report news and information, to communicate with other students and individuals, to ask questions of  and consult with experts and to gather material to meet their news gathering and research needs. RHHS Media will not publish any material determined by student editors to be unprotected, that is, material that is libelous, obscene, materially disruptive of  the school  process, an unwarranted invasion of  privacy, a violation of  copyright  or a  promotion of  products or services unlawful (illegal) as to minors  as defined  by state or  federal law. Definitions and examples for the above instances of  unprotected speech can be found in Law of  the Student Press published by the Student Press Law Center.

Role of the Adviser

The adviser will advise, not act as a censor or decision maker. He or she should support and defend a free, robust and active forum for student expression without prior review or restraint. The advisor will also empower students to make decisions of style, structure and content by creating a learning atmosphere where students will actively practice critical thinking and decision making. 

It is important to also encourage students to seek out points of view and to explore a variety of information sources in their decision making, as well as emphasizing the importance of accuracy, balance and clarity in all aspects of news gathering and reporting.

The adviser also will offer advice and instruction, following the Code of Ethics for Advisers established by the Journalism Education Association as well as the Canons of Professional Journalism.

The adviser will display professional and personal integrity in situations which might be construed as potential conflicts of interests, as well as model standards of professional journalistic conduct to students and others.

The advisor will also remain informed on press rights and responsibilities and submit Broadside content produced by students to rating services and contests for the staff to receive feedback. He or she shall forward any received correspondence and/or information pertinent to the proper execution of duties to the appropriate editors.

The advisor will provide information to Broadside staff about scholarships and other financial aid, and make available information and contacts concerning journalism as a career.

School officials shall not fire or otherwise discipline advisers for content in The Broadside that is determined and published by the student staff.

Any decisions affecting the publications on all levels will be made by the editorial board, the adviser is allowed to give legal advice and his/her opinion, but the final decision rests in the hands of the editorial board.

Role of Editors

The editorial board will consist of all student staff editors. The editorial board decides on all decisions that pertain directly to the RHHS media and their interests. No member of the editorial board shall have more than one vote on the board. All members of the editorial board and the adviser will elect a replacement for board members who have been dismissed. All members of the editorial board are expected to know their duties and jobs in the room and must understand the consequences of not fulfilling said jobs. The student editor and staff who want appropriate outside legal advice regarding proposed content should seek attorneys knowledgeable in media law such as those of the Student Press Law Center. Final content decisions and responsibility shall remain with the student editorial board.The duty appointed editor or co-editors shall interpret and enforce this editorial policy. Only the editorial board may prevent material it judges to be in violation of the media editorial policy, from being printed.

Role of the school system

The school system is not entitled to or endowed with any right to censor any of the content the Broadside staff produces; they shall not fire or otherwise discipline advisers for content in student media that is determined and published by the student staff. 

Rights and responsibilities of the student staff

The staff of The Broadside will strive to report all issues in a legal, objective, accurate and ethical manner, according to the Canons of Professional Journalism developed by the Society for Professionals Journalists. 

The student editors will determine the content, including all unsigned editorials. The views stated in editorials represent that of a majority of the student editors. Signed columns or reviews represent only the opinion of the author.

The Broadside will not avoid publishing a story solely on the basis of possible dissent or controversy.

Student editors who work on The Broadside, including electronic media, determine the content of their respective publications and are responsible for that content. These student editors should do the following: determine the content of the student media, strive to produce media based upon professional standards of accuracy, objectivity, fairness and timeliness, review material to improve sentence structure, grammar, spelling and punctuation, check and verify all facts and verify the accuracy of all quotations, and in the case of editorials or letters to the editor concerning controversial issues, determine the need for rebuttal comments and opinions and provide space therefore if appropriate.

Comments to the editor and new releases

The Broadside may accept  comments to the editor, guest columns and news releases from students, faculty, administrators, community residents and the general public. Comments to the editor must be 100 words or fewer and contain the author’s name and grade. Comments can be made on the official Rocky Hill Broadside Website. Editors  and staff have the right to approve the comment  and allow it to be posted to the website. Editors and staff also have to right to remove the comment if necessary. 

News releases will vary in length and most times will be written to the specifications of the Broadside regarding style and spacial requirements. More often than not they may be pursued for news value.

Electronic submissions are preferred, however, hard copies will be accepted. All submissions will need to be verified. 

The students editors reserve the right to withhold a letter or column or other submission and/or return it for revision if it contains unprotected speech or grammatical errors that could hamper its meaning. Deadlines for letters and columns will be determined by each year’s student staff, allowing sufficient time for verification of authorship prior to publication. 

Advertising policy

The student editors reserve the right to accept or reject any ad in accordance with its advertising policy. The usage of advertising revenues and fundraising are to be determined by the editorial staff and the advisor. 

Manipulation of images

Electronic manipulations changing the essential truth of a photo or illustration will be clearly labeled if used.

Regarding deaths

Any current student, staff member, faculty member or building administrator who passes away during the year will be recognized in The Broadside. The Broadside will publish factual information (date of birth, date of death, survivors, organizations, hobbies, interests) in a 300-word obituary, including one head shot, if possible. The Broadside will treat all deaths in a respectful way. The student editorial staff will work to obtain permission from the deceased person’s family before publishing any information regarding the cause of death. If permission is not granted, the Editorial Board will not publish anything pertaining to the deceased in the newspaper. Suicide will not be listed as a cause of death.


Student editors will strive to correct errors prior to publication; however, if they determine a significant error is printed, the editors will determine the manner and timeliness of a correction.

Legal advice

The student editor and staff who want appropriate outside legal advice regarding proposed content should seek attorneys knowledgeable in media law, such as those of the Student Press Law Center. Final content decisions and responsibility shall remain with the student editors.

Responsibility for enforcing this policy

The duly appointed students editors or co-editors shall interpret and enforce this editorial policy.

Content of Broadside Media


All content decisions will be made in occurrence to the following provisions, while keeping in mind that the overall purpose, role and goal of all RHHS Media is to   inform, interpret, and entertain the viewers through accurate and factual reports, where information has been thoroughly gathered and information has been completely verified. 

The Broadside Newspaper will serve as an educational laboratory experience for those on staff. The RHHS Media pledges to be accurate, fair, and impartial in its coverage of issues that affect the school community and cover the total school population as effectively as possible. The Broadside Newspaper  will not avoid publishing a story solely on the basis of  possible dissent  or controversy. The staff  of  the Broadside Newspaper will strive to report all issues in a legal, accurate and ethical  manner, according  to  the Canons  of  Professional Journalism developed by the Society  for Professional Journalists. The Canons of  Professional Journalism include a code of  ethics concerning accuracy, responsibility, integrity, conflict of  interest, impartiality, fair play, freedom of  the press, independence, sensationalism, personal  privacy, obstruction of  justice, credibility and  advertising.


All writing in the Broadside newspaper will be written by students  in the Broadside Newspaper club; students outside of the media staff will have the opportunity to submit writing, but the decision to publish the writing will be up to the editors and the advisor of the Broadside Newspaper. .Any material submitted from an outside source can be edited by the editorial board.Writing must be the original work of the writer and not previously published on any publication.


All editorials printed will be bylined as: “on behalf of Editorial Staff”.Editorial ideas may be submitted to the editorial board by all members of the Broadside staff.All printed editorial subject matter will be determined by the editorial board.The media will not publish any material for which there is evidence that the author is using the paper for inappropriate personal gain.The media will endeavor to provide a chance for comment on all sides of a critical issue in the same edition on the online issue.The editorial board, which consists of  the student editors, will determine the content, including all unsigned editorials. The views stated in editorials represent that of  a majority of  the editorial board. 


All coverage of controversial issues will occur upon a timely subject. All sides of the issue will be presented and reviewed so as to refrain from any bias, with exception of opinions.In news, all sides of a school, community, city, state, national, or international political issue will be presented factually so as to inform rather than promote or endorse.The media will not publish material that is unnecessarily obscene, libelous, unwarranted invasive of privacy.

If question on the veracity of publication persists, the issue will be brought to the editorial board who must consider the following questions before publication of the piece:

  1. Why is it a concern?
  2. What is it’s journalistic purpose?
  3. Is the information accurate and complete?
  4. Are any important POV omitted?
  5. How would we feel if the story was about ourselves or someone we know?
  6. What are the consequences’ of the publication?
  7. Is there a logical explanation to anyone who challenges issue?
  8. Is it worth risking our credibility?
  9. What are the alternatives?


All articles, graphics, photos, art, columns, pages, reviews, and other material in the Broadside , with exception to staff editorials, will be bylined with the producer name.All bylined writers will be held accountable for their work. Any person who has contributed to the work must be bylined as a producer.


The media will cover community, state, national, and international news if it is directly relevant to the school community.The media will strive to provide coverage to all school organizations and functions.When faced with the undesirable news such as student or staff or faculty crimes, the publications will endeavor to publish the facts correctly, explain the issue, and put a stop to any speculative stories that inevitably develop.


All captions will record  necessary information, such as the who, the what, and the location,  of the photo.All photographs must be captioned and bylined, with the exception of mugs and cutouts.Bylines are required on all online photos and galleries.Any photographs that contain any inappropriate attire or actions must be reshot.Artwork represents the interpretations of the artist, not necessarily of the staff or RHHS.The publications will not publish any photos, illustrations etc. that ridicule, demean, or misleadingly represent any individual or group.Electronic manipulations changing the essential truth of  the photo or illustration will be clearly labeled if  used.


Concerns about errors in the school media may be submitted through the adviser, the email is Fortierd@rockyhillps.com. The editorial board retains the right to determine whether, in fact, an error has been made. Known and or found errors that are brought to the attention of the school media will be addressed regardless if realized by author, audience, or staff member. Staff members will strive to correct errors prior to publication; however, if  the editorial board determines a significant  error is printed or posted, the editorial board will determine the manner and timeliness of  a correction. Major corrections are determined by the editors and adviser. If changes are made to a web story once a story has been posted, the change will be noted along with the date and time the change was made.


Daily updates will be made to the website throughout the week during the school year. While less frequent, updates will be made to the site during breaks. All students and teachers at Rocky Hill High School will have access to the Broadside digital newspaper. 


Social media will be used to promote the RHHS Media, to promote published content and to engage the RHHS community.The editorial board reserves the right to remove comments that violate any provisions hitherto outlined by this policy.Information posted on social media platforms should be held to the same standard as all other reporting in terms of information gathering and fact checking. Reporters using personal social media to cover events should do the same.Information gained through social media channels should be verified through multiple channels before passing it along to others.Audience engagement through social media should be done in a professional manner.Staff members using applications to post updates to social media accounts should have separate applications for their personal account and for the school media accounts. This will limit the chance of a post being sent from the wrong account.Transparency is important. Mistakes made on social media posts should be corrected as soon as possible and any deleted posts should be acknowledged in subsequent postings.

Comments Policy

Rocky Hill Broadside’s comment policy encourages healthy debate. Users that repeatedly violate any of the rules below will have their account suspended. We will not allow:

  • Comments that are racist, sexist, or downright offensive. We have a no-jerk policy at Rocky Hill Broadside. Comments of this nature will be immediately removed.
  • Comments that target and/or personally insult other Rocky Hill Broadside commenters. Because this isn’t middle school.
  • Identical comments posted on multiple stories. Mastering the art of copy and paste isn’t a skill; it’s spam.
  • Off-topic discussions. Not everything is a political debate. Comments that are completely off topic or spam-like will be removed.
  • Comments in all CAPS. They’re obnoxious, so don’t do it.

Who can comment on stories?

While it used to be that only registered Rocky Hill Broadside users could post comments, that privilege has been extended to anyone with a Disqus, Facebook, Twitter, or Google account.

How are comments monitored?

Because Rocky Hill Broadside cannot review each comment individually, we rely on moderators and other users to monitor comments.

What is a Moderator?

With thousands of comments pouring in each day, Rocky Hill Broadside relies on its stable of Moderators to help keep things in check. Moderators are regular site users who “get” Rocky Hill Broadside’s comment policy and have been selected by Rocky Hill Broadside to help us keep things in check. They have the ability to immediately hide comments that violate our comment policy and restore comments that have been wrongly flagged.

What is a Global Moderator?

Sort of the queen (or king) bee: The Global Moderator is a member of the Rocky Hill Broadside staff who manages the Moderators and controls account suspensions.

What guidelines do the Moderators follow?

Our moderators are expected to stick to the following:

  • Moderators should be familiar with the specific rules that make up Rocky Hill Broadside’s comment policy… and they must obviously follow those rules.
  • Moderators must maintain consistent communication with the Global Moderator.
  • Moderation actions must be non-confrontational, and only be taken in response to a direct infraction of the comment policy.
  • In the event of a dispute claiming the moderator is not being fair, the Global Moderator will intervene.
  • Moderators can’t suspend users, but can recommend accounts they feel should be suspended to the Global Moderator.
  • The Global Moderator has the right to strip Moderators of their status, should they not observe the above.

I see an inappropriate comment; what should I do?

Click on “Flag.” Users that repeatedly leave inappropriate or off-topic comments will have their account suspended.

Why has my account been suspended?

We suspend accounts that repeatedly violate our comment policy or terms of use. Also note that if you attempt to impersonate another user by using a derivative of their name or avatar, your account will be immediately suspended.