Question: How do you feel about the new dress code being enforced? What do you think could be done to make the situation better?

Amina Korkutovic, Grade 11

“I think we don’t need a dress code for midriff but I understand if you see a girl with a lot of chest showing it could be distracting. Showing your midriff should not be a problem especially if the reason being ‘it’s distracting.’ We haven’t had this dress code enforced until this year which is really weird. Instead of going forward we’re just going backwards not allowing girls to wear their everyday clothes and making them go out and buy clothes that are ‘appropriate.’ Since middle school girls have been told their shoulders were distracting to the boys and we need thick straps, in reality the boys don’t care it’s only the teachers in these schools who have a problem.”

Nicholas Miceli , Grade 12

“I’m a male, so it doesn’t affect me that much, but looking out for my female classmates, I feel like people should be able to wear what they want, I don’t see why it’s a problem. But, since it is a school rule, I think we should follow it.” 

“I think if we come together as a school and do more than just a petition, we should take action. Maybe talking to the principal one on one in person, I think we could make a change.”

Sofia Scalise, Grade 12

“I think the dress code makes girls feel bad about their bodies and what they wear. Having male administrators in charge of the dress code makes it even more uncomfortable because its men who are looking girls up and down and deciding if they look appropriate.”

“Some of the rules are a bit extreme such as the midriff rule. I don’t think that’s causing any harm to the learning environment.”

Anthony Marccuci, Grade 12

“The dress code doesn’t really affect me as much as the girls but, I don’t have an opinion on it but I can see why some people are mad about it….I think this could be resolved by a simple rule change or going back to the way it used to be.”

Shreya Adlakha, Grade 10

“It feels infuriating because it’s like a step back… it seems counterproductive and doesn’t really make any sense. I feel like what people wear hasn’t been an issue…”

Brayden Bayek, Grade 12

“I have heard a lot of people complaining about it and it does seem like a bit over the top. Personally, it doesn’t affect me so I don’t have super strong feelings about it. It was a big jump from last year and maybe a more gradual way of applying the dress code would be more effective. The abrupt change is why people are upset and complaining so much.”

Juliana Elloian, Grade 12

“I don’t care, I’m not mad or happy. I think that it is okay too be fully covered for school. I don’t think it takes away any rights.”

Logan Cirelli, Grade 12

“Doesn’t really affect me, I mean people should wear what they want and its kind of dumb, I should wear what I want and do what I want and shouldn’t be told what I can wear and can’t wear.”

Tanisha Varkala, Grade 11

“The dress code is unfair. It makes the kids focus on what they have to wear instead of the education they are supposed to be absorbing. Dress code distracts kids from education. The school is supposed to be a safe environment where everyone feels welcomed and safe, the dress code does the opposite for every student at this school.”

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