America prides itself on its values of freedom and independence. Citizens new and old are given a promise of the American Dream, a journey to success. We pride ourselves on our ability to do what we want, when we want. Yet, as times progress, it seems that our government has regressed in its abilities to make decisions that are truly representative of the people. 

On May 2, 2022, Politico released leaked court documents that show the Supreme Court is overturning Rose v. Wade, striking down abortion rights protections and endangering millions of people across the United States. And as the ruling class dismantled life-saving legislation for working-class people, some of America’s richest prepared for the “Gilded Glamour ” themed Met Gala of the year. The irony is almost too much to bear.

The 98-page initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito is an unflinching rejection of Planned Parenthood v. Casey which, in 1992, reaffirmed the constitutionality of abortions. On page 24, Alito writes, “the right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions.”

He continues, “Roe was on a collision course with the Constitution from the day it was decided…,” claiming that the conclusions of that case did not allow for a democratic process. But as a Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted last week finds, “54 percent of Americans think the 1973 Roe decision should be upheld while 28 percent believe it should be overturned.”

Americans want abortion rights by nearly a 2:1 margin, but those in charge seem to fully overlook this fact. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, the reproductive rights of millions will be in danger— and not just the right to abortions. As an umbrella law, it protects c-sections, birth control, hormone therapy for men with low sperm counts, and many other rights that Americans consider valuable.

The consequences of criminalizing abortions will be devastating to the country, and not just for people who are now forced to carry out pregnancies against their will even in cases of rape or incest. This ruling is designed to punish middle and working-class people, with an even greater effect on black and indigenous communities who are already blocked from receiving access to equal healthcare. Wealthy people will still be able to receive access to abortions by crossing state lines but for everyone else, particularly younger women, this will not be an option.

And since people will continue to get abortions, many because they simply have no other choice, regardless of what the law is, those who cannot do so safely will rely on illegal abortions from unlicensed practitioners which will lead to a much higher risk for complications and death. 

Moreover, people will be forced to have children in the country with nearly the highest infant and maternal mortality rate, worst childcare, and postpartum support care system in all high-income countries. There will be a massive increase in children in foster care, child abuse, and generational poverty. In fact, there will be a reversal of the trend that occurred after abortion was federally legalized in 1973. 

Approximately 15-20 years following Roe v. Wade, crime rates in the US dropped significantly. Unwanted children will receive more trauma, resulting in developmental issues that will lead to increased crime, drug use, and mental health conditions. Even more worrisome, this projected rise in crime will be weaponized by the same right-wing authoritarians who are responsible for the abortion ban. It will be used to justify increased policing, harsher sentencing, and vigilantism, despite creating the conditions for a more dangerous future.

Interestingly, we saw this happen in 1966 Romania, when the country’s dictator banned abortions and contraceptives directly leading to children being abandoned in orphanages and foster care, and thousands upon thousands dying from botched back-alley abortions. It created an angry poor and marginalized group of unwanted adults who then grew older to overthrow the same dictator in their mid-twenties.

Banning abortions and access to contraceptives will not remedy the declining birth rates. Making birth and pregnancy more affordable, giving monthly parental support checks, providing affordable daycare, offering parental leave, and creating a better sex education curriculum for younger people will be the way to save the world. Taking away people’s reproductive rights should not be in question at all.

Some resources for those who are seeking abortions or need more information:

Master Doc of resources

National Network of Abortion Funds

Planned Parenthood

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