Being in in-person school also means the revival of in-person clubs. There has been an addition of many new clubs reflecting the student’s interests here at Rocky Hill High School. One of these new clubs is the Red Cross Club. 

The club started late last year and only had a few virtual meetings while getting established. Now that students are back in-person, the club’s president, Johanna Brown, is excited to start in-person activities. 

According to Brown, the Red Cross Club “provides students the opportunity to serve their community and earn volunteer hours while working with their fellow peers.” In the club, students volunteer through the globally known Red Cross organization. 

The goal of the club is for students to better their community through numerous activities. Brown hopes to implement some activities this year: a Prepare and Share kit drive and a Change for Change fundraiser. The Prepare and Share kit drive is an activity where emergency preparedness items are collected and packed into kits. These kits are then given to other people who are in need of them. A Change for Change fundraiser is a competition between grades through the use of coins.

In addition to the volunteering opportunities and hours students can gain from the club, they also gain important knowledge and life skills. The club provides knowledge that teaches members how to address emergencies and help their community. Sharing the preparedness kits is one of the ways that students learn about addressing emergencies. 

Regardless of the grade they are in, all students who are interested in joining the club are welcome. Brown says the club is a “great way to meet other people while working to improve our community.” The club plans on meeting twice a month to participate in planned activities and other events.

To join, students can use the Google Classroom code 6xbk7gt.

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